Improve Brain Health With BrainTap®

Better wellness starts with your brain. BrainTap's proprietary technology uses proven science to restore balance to your brain for optimal performance of mind and body.

BT Headset & AppImage

Take $29 off the first month of your BrainTap Monthly subscription and pay just 99¢ with promo code BTPARTNER29


Get $50 off the BrainTap Power Bundle and the BrainTap Headset with promo code PARTNER50

What is BrainTap?

BrainTap is a method of brainwave entrainment. The technology guides your brain through desirable brainwave states, promoting relaxation, increased energy, and training your brain to operate at peak wellness.

Our proprietary technology consists of the BrainTap Pro App, home to all of our encoded audio files, which can be used any pair of headphones, and the BrainTap Headset, which features light frequency technology to create a completely immersive session.

The Science of BrainTap

Your brain will naturally sync itself to external rhythms. Our custom-encoded sessions use proven modalities to move your brain through relaxing and energy-stimulating frequencies.

Revive Health and Beauty is pleased to partner with BrainTap® to offer our clients access to this incredible tool for improving clarity, sleep, energy levels and overall wellness. Try it in-person at Revive and feel the difference.

Binaural Beats

Your brain hears 2 slightly different frequencies and interprets a third, unique, sound (binaural beat) which influences brainwave activity and induces different mental states, depending on frequency.

Isochronic Tones

A single, pulsed sound synchronizes your brain’s electrical activity to the desired frequency.

Guided Visualization

With entrainment, guided narration can help you visualize a desired goal or outcome at a subconscious level.

10-Cycle Holographic Music

This technology wraps you in perceived 360-degree sound where visualizations are more realistic and create a more receptive learning environment.

Light Frequencies

(With BrainTap Headset only)
Light pulses sending direct signals to your brain help to induce desirable brainwave patterns.